- class mtf.network_port.tls.tls_dtls_config.ClientHello
Represents a TLS ClientHello message, which is sent by the client to initiate a TLS handshake with the server.
- Attributes:
protocol_version (bytes): The version of the TLS protocol proposed by the client.
unix_time (bytes): The current time in UNIX timestamp format (4 bytes).
random (bytes): A random value generated by the client (28 bytes).
session_id_length (int): The length of the session ID.
session_id (bytes): The current session ID (if a session resumption attempt is being made).
compression_length (int): The length of the compression methods list.
cipher_suite_length (int): The length of the cipher_suites list.
cipher_suites (list): The list of supported cipher suites by the client.
compressions (list): The list of supported compression methods by the client.
cookie (bytes): A stateless cookie (used in DTLS) for verifying the client identity.
cookie_length (int): The length of the cookie.
- protocol_version: bytes
- unix_time: bytes
- random: bytes
- session_id_length: int
- session_id: bytes
- compression_length: int
- cipher_suite_length: int
- cipher_suites: list
- compressions: list
- cookie: bytes
- cookie_length: int
- __init__(protocol_version: bytes, unix_time: bytes, random: bytes, session_id_length: int, session_id: bytes, compression_length: int, cipher_suite_length: int, cipher_suites: list, compressions: list, cookie: bytes, cookie_length: int) None