
class mtf.network_port.iso_tp.custom_fr_tp.CustomFrTp

Manages the transport of data using the FlexRay protocol

__init__() None
configure(config: IsoTpConfig) bool

Configures the CustomFrTp with the provided ISO-TP configuration.


config (IsoTpConfig): The ISO-TP configuration to use for communication.


bool: True if configuration is successful, False otherwise.

configure_reception_flow_control(flow_status: FrFlowStatus, bandwidth_control: int = 0, buffer_size: int = 0, acknowledge: SfAckValues = 1, byte_position: int = 0) bool

Configures the reception flow control based on the specified parameters.


flow_status (FrFlowStatus): The flow control status to configure. bandwidth_control (int): Bandwidth control parameter for CTS flow control. buffer_size (int): Buffer size for CTS flow control. acknowledge (SfAckValues): Acknowledge value for ACK_RET flow control. byte_position (int): Byte position for ACK_RET flow control.


bool: True if configuration is successful, False otherwise.

bind() bool

Binds the CustomFrTp for communication by starting the RX and TX listeners and setting the communication to active.


bool: True if the binding is successful, False otherwise.

enable_faulty_speration_time(value: int) None

Enables a custom separation time with the specified value.


value (int): The value for the custom separation time.

disable_faulty_speration_time() None

Disables the custom separation time.

close() bool

Closes the CustomFrTp communication.


bool: True if the communication is successfully closed, False otherwise.

send(payload: List[int]) bool

Sends a frame or message over the CustomFrTp communication.


payload (FramePayload): The payload to be sent.


bool: True if the send operation is successful, False otherwise.

get_queue() List[List[int]]

Returns the queue of received frames or messages.


List[FramePayload]: A list of received frames or messages in the queue.

clean_up() bool

Clean up all controller instances.



static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize a new instance of the ControllerBase.

The instance will be automatically added to the list of controllers.

classmethod controllers_cleanup()

Clean up all controller instances.

Calls the clean_up() method for each instance.