License Agreement ##################### **IMPORTANT:** THIS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND TECHNICA ENGINEERING GMBH. BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, WHICH IS SUPPLIED WITH THIS EULA, YOU ARE EXPRESSING YOUR CONSENT TO AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. 1. LICENSE GRANT ***************** 1.1. License ============= Technica Engineering GmbH grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to install and use the Software. You may install and use up to the number of copies of the Software equal to the number of licenses you have purchased. The Software may be installed and used on different computers owned or controlled by you. The license is limited to use by a single organization or individual. 1.2. Expiration ================ The Software may cease to function after the license expiration date. It is your responsibility to renew the license before it expires if you wish to continue using the Software. 2. CONFIDENTIALITY ******************* 2.1. Confidential Information ============================== You agree to treat the Software as confidential and to take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure or access by third parties. 2.2. Consequences of violation =============================== In the event of a violation of this confidentiality obligation, Technica Engineering GmbH reserves the right to legal actions. 3. PROPERTY ************ 3.1. Ownership =============== The Software and its copyright are owned by Technica Engineering GmbH. This EULA does not convey any document or ownership of the Software and should not be construed as a sale of the Software’s rights. You are granted only the rights expressly defined in this license. 4. COPYRIGHT ************* 4.1. Intellectual Property =========================== The Software and, without exception, all proprietary rights are owned by Technica Engineering GmbH or its suppliers and are protected by all applicable copyright laws, international treaties and other intellectual property and commercial contracts. The Software is licensed, not sold. You acknowledge that no intellectual property rights to the Software have been transferred to you. In addition, you acknowledge that the copyrights and proprietary rights to the Software remain the exclusive property of Technica Engineering GmbH and that you are granted no rights to the Software other than those expressly defined in this license. 5. REVERSE ENGINEERING *********************** 5.1. Prohibition ================= You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify or translate the Software ,either in whole or in part. 6. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER *********************** 6.1. No Warranty ================= To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Software is provided without warranty. Unless otherwise stated in writing, the copyright owners and/or a third party provide the Software "as is" without any express or implied warranty. This includes, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 6.2. Risk and Costs ==================== The full risk of the quality and performance of the Software lies with you. If the Software proves to be faulty, any costs for necessary service, repair or correction are your responsibility. 7. LIABILITY ************* 7.1. No Liability ================== The user is free to use the Software in its provided form or not. Technica Engineering GmbH does not accept any liability for defects in the Software. The company will not be responsible for any issues or damages resulting from the use of the Software, even if advised of the possibility of such issues or damages. 8. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE *************************** 8.1. Support ============= Technica Engineering GmbH may choose to provide support or maintenance for the Software. If support is provided, it will be subject to separate terms and conditions. 9. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION ********************************** 9.1. Governing Law =================== This EULA will be governed by the laws of Germany and, where applicable, the laws of the European Union. 9.2. Jurisdiction ================== Any disputes related to this EULA will be resolved in the courts of Germany, subject to applicable European Union law. 10. TERMINATION **************** 10.1. Termination for Violation ================================ Technica Engineering GmbH may terminate this EULA immediately if you violate any of its terms. If terminated, you must cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies in your possession. 10.2. Termination for Convenience ================================== You may terminate this EULA at any time by ceasing to use the Software and destroying all copies in your possession.